There Is A New Light by Jonathan Kraft There is a new light at the stoplight A blinding beast of a thing. A reminder to all Postman may come to call and bring a most unwelcome thing The eye of…
Poem: Precious In Every Light
Precious In Every Light by Jonathan Kraft Red, Blue, Yellow, Black and white should be precious in every light but sometimes people have a hard time to see that sentiment with a blended family Who knows why society’s stereotypes keep…
Poem: Being True
Being True by Jonathan Kraft Written Summer 2006 So where do I put my time? Where, and how, can I be of service? And in the midst of all of that and the flurry of activity that it takes, how…
Miracles of Unparalleled Proportions…
Most Christians view the world as a place of darkness. What if the world is light, and we are light in the world? What then? What if original sin is overturned and we view ourselves as bringers of the light to the world?
Light and Sound Show Hong Kong Harbour
Hong Kong offers a free light display. Go to Kowloon for the best viewing.