A friend of mine often says that everything happens in the right time, for the right reasons, in the right place, and in the right order. His statement has become a mantra in my life, something to focus on when…
Here’s the view from my recent jump: In other words, I passed my Comps exam!!!! I was jumping up and down so high that I could see this aerial shot of Denver! It’s celebration time now. (Actually probably Saturday, but…
Last Class
Today is my last class of grad school! Yippee! By 9:00 tonight, I’ll be done with classes. I’m not done with my degree, as I still have a few papers to write over the summer, but no more classes. I…
Patience is a virtue
I’m a patient person. Really I am. I am not checking my email every five minutes. I am not checking like a fanatic to see if I missed a call on my cell phone. I am not incessantly looking for…
Comps are done
Over the past three months, I’ve put in countless hours of studying. I studied with a study group in Boulder every Sunday. I used every spare minute I could find—on the train commuting; reading at night before bed, in the…
Textbooks revisited
Remember how I posted that I didn’t have to buy a single text book this semester? Well, that’s still true. But, a new book by one of my professors just came out. It’s called, Common Ground, Contested Territory: Examining the…
Spring 2007 Textbooks
Can you believe this? In all my years of college and graduate school (that makes 5 1/2), I have always had to buy upwards of $200 per semester for books alone. One semester I spent over $750 in books (all…
Historical Linguistics Historical Lingusitics is cheapest at Phat Campus. You can Save Money on Textbooks at Phat Campus. Language Development Vicarious Language From the Kitchen to the Parlor Wisdom Sits in Places Communicating Affection