Someone hired me to write a New Year’s poem for a blended family. This is the poem I created for this particular blended family. If you’d like me to write a New Year’s Poem for you or your family, please…
Poem: For The Soldiers
Poem Written in December, 1996 For the Soldiers by Jonathan Kraft Glory and honor can be found here Glory… There is definitely something glorious about serving your small part in the scheme of a war, where one person, one soldier,…
Poem: Anointed
Written in 1994 by Jonathan Kraft Anointed Life is strange when you walk down the street, seeing the faces of people you meet. You seem to see and then look and find that not everyone is always kind. Some people…
Poem: Father Christmas Is My Step-Dad
Someone hired me to write a custom poem as a Christmas present for their step-dad. If you’d like me to write a Christmas poem for you, please let me know. Father Christmas Is My Step-Dad by Jonathan Kraft Santa brings…
Poem: I See
Written December 1995 When Jonathan is 16 I See by Jonathan Kraft I see myself becoming; A selfish person, Someone who cares but feels helpless… And it scares me. I see the world; At war striving for peace but not…
Poem: The Monkey
Written November 1995 when Jonathan is 16 The Monkey by Jonathan Kraft The monkey The chatterbox The yelper of the jungle Guardian of the tree tops. I wonder what it is that you want. For your actions show me you…
Poem: A Maze
Written November 1995 When Jonathan is 16 A Maze by Jonathan Kraft A maze is my life, and completely lost, I am. Because I am clueless as to where the maze ends. -Where my life reaches its ultimate purpose.- So…
Poem: What Legacy?
What Legacy? by Jonathan Kraft written 8. Jan 2013 while being frustrated by American life, and while thinking about the Aurora movie theater shooting, and the elementary school shooting Surrounded by light and beauty But fumbling in the darkness Because…
Poem: Regarding Guilt
Written November 1995 when Jonathan is 16 Regarding Guilt by Jonathan Kraft Guilt is such a wonderful thing. It means that any decent person will know for themself when they’ve done wrong, and will regret. If guilt is what keeps…
Poem: True Beauty
Written in November 1995 when Jonathan is 16. This poem was written about a girl Jonathan met at church and dated (she broke up with him). True Beauty by Jonathan Kraft For every one of us in life there…