Travel the world

Costa Rica

Carrie’s Current countries visited

visited 15 states (6.66%)Create your own visited map of The World On our trip through Central America, I got to add 6 countries to my map of visited countries. It’s too bad not all of them have a stamp representation…

Geckos, Roosters, Fireworks, Car Alarms, Children, Dogs, Sneezing, Parades and Bells, Doorbells, and Construction

What can you really do about so much noise but laugh? I’m a relatively light sleeper, and have learned to travel with earplugs. In fact, before departing on this part of our travel/working experience, Carrie and I bought a box…

Poas Volcano and National Park: Costa Rica’s Poas Volcano

Rainy in the morning at Volcano Poas? Go to La Paz waterfall gardens or do zip lines first, and then go to the top of the volcano. Volcano Poas will give you some great views of it’s crater, as well as of the lake at the top of the volcano, if you’re patient and working on Costa Rican “Pura Vida” time.