Since returning to Colorado four weeks ago, I’ve been enjoying the beauty of the state where I am from. It’s been fun to take photos of wildlife all around my parent’s place.
Pictures from Grandpa Gordon’s Life
Just a few pictures to share from the life of Gordon Nuttall. [nggallery id=1]
Merry Christmas 2010
2010 has been a wonderful and incredible year. Thank-you to all of you who we’ve encountered in the past year who have made this year truly incredible. We are so blessed to have you in our lives. Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
For those of you who don’t celebrate Christmas, we hope you will take some extra time today to spend with family members and/or loved ones. We are enjoying our time back in Colorado… though with the traveling we’re doing around…
Top 5 Things I’m Looking Forward To In Colorado
I don’t really experience homesickness, because I always feel pretty excited about what’s coming up, about the future, about where I’m going next. So this is the 5 things I’m looking forward to at this moment, knowing I’m returning to…
Our Storage Unit
Storage Units: There are many reasons why people need self storage. They range from creating more space for living to temporarily having no home at all. Self storage offers people a way to clear some space at home in their own storage unit.
The end of an era…
We’re saying goodbye to a loyal friend today.
Stingray Migration Pictures
Stingray migration (Sent by Renee Fields) I supposed it’s possible that this is a hoax email, but just the thought of being around to see something this magnificent made it necessary to post anyway. Looking like giant leaves floating in…
We Are All SO Rich. Don’t Believe Me?
Maybe it’s been prompted by the news I’ve heard lately that we’re in some sort of global economic crisis, but I’ve been thinking a lot about how much wealth the average person has. And not just in America or in…
Want to learn about Kilimanjaro?
You kind of have to speak German, but if you do, this is a truly AWESOME site about Kilimanjaro. The reason I’m linking to it from here is because even if you don’t have any knowledge in German, you can…