Below you will see something that was written a long time ago (nearly 20 years ago – wow!) in a notebook where I kept poems and writings of mine. In 2013, I will be sharing many of my life’s poems,…
Santa and Colorado
Fun Video! The Way Things Go – Der Lauf Der Dinge
This is an awesome Rube Goldberg machine. I guess it’s not though really… because all it does is show things affecting things. And I wonder why I find this so interesting… but I do! This must have taken several days…
Video: Jumping Out Of Airplanes!
Skydiving in Longmont, Colorado, was absolutely awesome! I’d tell you all about how great skydiving is, but it’s really one of those things you have to see (the video) to believe!
No One Really Cares…
In our travels and in our understanding of the world, I have come to the realization that I am alone in my understanding of the world. I think I’ve tried to apply that, to saying that I am alone in…
Unfortunate Advertising
We saw this on our way back from a Rockies game.
The Courage To Be Curious
Curiosity can be beaten out of us by life. Perry Marshall talks about one of his students and about the importance of being courageous in being curious.
Unpacking Our Packed Up Life
When Carrie and I left Colorado in October of 2009 to travel the world for 2 years, we packed our lives into plastic storage tubs, which we call crates. We came back in November, 2011. In many ways, those crates…
What If A Gym Membership Does Include Picking Up The Trash?
What if the world really is an amazing place?
How I fixed Cyclic Redundancy Check (On An Iomega External Hard Drive) Error
This freaking Cyclical Redundancy Check Error was freaking me out. Here’s how I fixed the problems with Cyclical Redundancy Check error for my Iomega External Hard Drive.