This is a video of a presentation I gave on September 26th at a Pre-Paid Legal event near Denver, Colorado.
I hope you learn as much from watching it as I did from giving it.
Adam was nice enough to film this speech for me. The audio is a little hard to hear, but hopefully you can get the idea.
I actually wrote the speech October 1, 2003, but didn’t give it until September 26, 2009. I wrote the speech nearly 6 years in advance, anticipating the day I would give it.
Initially, the speech was supposed to be 15 minutes, but I was asked to shorten it at the last minute, so I scrambled a bit to hit the important points.
Hope you enjoy and get something from it that you can use in getting to your dreams.
Summary of talking points:
Lucid Dreams & Waking Dreams
3 Steps to turning your sleeping dreams into your waking dreams:
Belief (through repetition and practice)
Writing it down (makes it concrete)
Taking massive action
Thank-you for watching this video and for joining with us as we are fulfilling one of our dreams of traveling around the world!
Video: Achieving Your Dreams
- Boquete, Panama: The Vacation Rental Casita That Is Our For Now Home
- Cooked Dinner For Boquete Gourmet Last Night
different people different opinions, but something in common, every successful person is a good dreamer.
Though, not yet successful, BUT
” I have a dream, a song to sing”
On Aug. 4, 2009 I heard a speaker talk about “visualizing” and goals in a way that had a huge impact on me. I wasn’t in a very good place, physically or mentally at the time. A couple of days later, when I literally, could not get out of bed, I was thinking about my dreams and how I wanted my life to be different. I made a decision and wrote down my goal. Recently I came across what I had written. It was, “I am going to climb ten fourteen thousand foot peaks in the next ten years.” Shortly after that someone (actually Jonathan’s sister-in-law, Laura) challenged me to accomplish these climbs in five years instead of ten. I decided she was right, that I could do my climbs in five years, but I never wrote down the new goal. The last two years my life has totally changed. I sure don’t spend time in bed anymore. I have a very physically demanding job, and I can do all kinds of things that were imposible then, such as move furniture or go for long hikes. I’ve trained for my fourteen foot ascents, but all scheduled attempts have fallen through, so I haven’t actually reached the top of any fourteeners YET. I think the written goal was too vague and too far into the future. So, yesterday I changed it and wrote, “I am going to climb ten fourteeners over the next three summers.” And then I wrote down which three to four peaks I will climb each summer. Now I KNOW I’ll do it.
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