1:30 AM
Hotel Novo Apart
Quick thoughts since I’´m so very tired right now.
Today –> Granada –> Managua (UCA Bus Terminal) –> TAXI –> Managua Ticabus Terminal –> Through Honduras –> El Salvador (Ticabus) –> TAXI –> Hotel Novo Apart
Traveling by public transport is cool, fun, interesting, and difficult.
Man snoring loudly on Ticabus
Carrie´s great story about 2 lemosn, 1 lime, a pomegranate tree, a telephone pole, and boys playing a game around the tree where they beat eachother with their shoes (ask her to tell the story some time)
Rest stop in El Salvador ha¨d Secrets of the MIllionaire MInd by T Harv Eker – been meaning to read the book, but didn´t even look at the price because all the other books an the same rack were way ´´over´´priced. Only later did I realize the tragic irony of not buying a book that´s been mentioned to me multiple times, placed within easy reach (in El Salvador, of all places) and that it´s MY mind that needs changing, and the book will help me with that, and I didn´t buy it because it´s my mind that needs changing. (The same thing that prevented the purchase is the exact reason (or at least a reason) why I need to buy the book.
Oh yeah, El Salvador uses the United States dollar as its currency.
I enjoyed this post. Especially the part about the book and changing your mind! totally Jonathan!