So this morning we went to get our second rental car of the trip. Just so you know, they change an arm and two legs for you to do a one way rental because of the drop-off fee. Apparently, the cars all have to remain in the same state they’re registered in, and they have no way of getting the cars back to where they belong. Well, that’s what they’d have you believe. We left DC for Newark, we’re driving a car registered in New York. So, we’re the drop off service, but we get charged more to do their work. And, if you want to pay with a credit card that belongs to someone other than the person who will be the “primary driver”, they tack on extra fees for that too. Jeez, I’m beginning to really dislike rental car companies.
I have this rule that in order to say that I’ve been to a state, I have to spend the night there. Well, we ran into a problem with that rule.
It’s so small, and we’re over-nighting in all the surrounding states, so if I wanted to abide by my own rule, I would have to make a special trip out to Delaware sometime just to spend the night. Seems pretty silly to me. So, we tried to find something local and fun to do that would count as us having visited Delaware, thus bending the rule. We came across this Farmer’s Market that, according to the online description is “run by the Pennsylvania Dutch?. Well, that wasn’t really accurate. It was more of a flea-market than a farmer’s market, but we still went and had a good time. We also got to visit Wal-Mart in Delaware…not local, but still necessary.
We decided to check into our hotel first so we could unload all our bags. Once we got into Philadelphia, it was after 5, so the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall were both closed. But we still had a great time walking around the city. We walked down the Jewelry Row and had amazing Philly Cheesesteak sandwiches at a place called Pete’s Pizza (located between 3rd and 2nd on the same street as Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell). Our plan for tomorrow is to go to the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall early in the morning and try to beat the crowds. Then we’ll probably head back to Pete’s for some more great food! After that, we’ll head to NJ, where we will stay with one of our awesome sponsors, Mr. Viliam Choma