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Munich’s Best Beer Is Not At Oktoberfest

Andechs Brewery Munich Germany

3 years ago, Jonathan and I spent nearly a month in Munich.

While we were here, one of our favorite experiences was a trip to Andechs. Andechs is a Monastery where they’ve been brewing beer, following the same recipe, since the 1200s.

The 1200s! That’s 292 years BEFORE Columbus sailed the ocean blue.
Andechs Brewery Munich Germany
Now, let me tell you, these monks, they know what they’re doing. Their beer is go-oo-od.

So good, that I’ve been dreaming about it for 3 years.

As soon as we knew we were going to be in Munich again, I put another trip to Andechs on our must-do list. Above Oktoberfest. Yeah, that’s right.

Andechs Brewery Munich Germany

To get there: Take the S8 to Hersching. That’s the end of the line. From there, it’s a nice 45 minute walk. If you know where you’re going, and there’s no snow. There are signs that mark the pathway.

And, if you don’t want to properly earn your beer, there is a bus from the train station as well.

Andechs Brewery Munich Germany

The hike is uphill. And there are a fair number of stairs. But once you reach the top, it’s so worth it. The hike itself is a good one as well. It’s a lovely stroll through the forest, with fresh air and even a small waterfall.

Andechs Brewery Munich Germany

The beer is something better than beer. It deserves a name of its own.

And the food. It’s remarkable.

Please, please, go to Andechs when you’re in Germany. And drink their Doppelbock dark beer. And eat the delicious cheese spread onto fresh pretzels., and the sauerkraut, and the apfel streudel with vanilla sauce.

Andechs Brewery Munich Germany

It’ll change your life.

Andechs Brewery Munich Germany

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