Like I mentioned earlier, on the drive to Milford Sound, we passed an Apollo Camper. Well, on the drive out, we were playing a game of “tag” with an Apollo camper.
It would pull over to take pictures, and we would pass it. Then, we’d pull over, and it would pass us.
This went on the entire trip from Milford Sound to Queenstown (which takes about 4-5 hours).
Anyway, one of the things we wanted to take a picture of was the Mirror Lakes.
But, before we got to the mirror lakes, we stopped along the side of the road to take some fun pictures.
Then we got to the Mirror Lakes.
Very cool, although, to be honest, I was more impressed by the reflection abilities of Lake Dunstan the day before. We did grab a few pretty cool pictures. And, Julien, the hitchhiker we picked up at Milford even climbed a tree to take a picture for us.
Julien was along with us until Te Anu, and we went on to Queenstown.
At one point, we stopped at a place where the Apollo camper had also stopped. We started talking to them (a nice couple, Nina and Jan, from Germany who have been traveling the world for a year).
It turns out, that they were driving the car we passed earlier this morning on the way to Milford Sound.
Jan, told us that this morning on the way, he was driving along, and all of a sudden “the bullet” comes. We were driving “The Bullet”. And, hence, we named our campervan “The Bullet”.
A FANTASTIC PICTURE OF YOU BOTH in front of the reflective lake!!!