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Giveaway Friday: Impaling Instruments Necessitate Inhibitors (Cutting Boards)

Before we get to this week’s Giveaway Friday, congratulations go out to Patricia McCormick, who, according to, won our giveaway last week for Carrie’s Masala Chai!

Now on to this week’s giveaway…

Get this plastic cutting board for freeTraveling as much as we have, we have prepared food in a wide variety of kitchens around the world.

We have also done a LOT of chopping of fruits, veggies, bread, meat, etc.

We’ve also used a variety of cutting boards.

Wood cutting boards:
Good for chopping, but unless you only use them for slicing bread, wood cutting boards are prone to absorbing the juices of whatever you’re cutting. Bacteria can be attracted and grow in the spaces in the wood, and over time you can actually be adding bacteria to your food, simply by using wood as your cutting surface.

If you rinse your wood cutting board with soap and water, it can become quite difficult to get all the soap out, which can leave your next meal tasting a bit soapy.

Glass cutting boards:
Jonathan actually likes them, but the sound of chopping on a glass cutting board hurts Carrie’s sensitive ears.

Marble/stone cutting boards:
Some of these are actually laced with naturally antibacterial materials like copper or silver, but we find that even with rubber foot pegs, they tend to slide around while you’re cutting on them. They can also be heavy, expensive, and discolor over time. Then what do you do with a chunk of discolored polished marble?

Plastic cutting boards:
Depending on what type of plastic they are made from, plastic cutting boards can be re-used for a variety of purposes. They also stay in place when you chop on them, are light to carry, and can be thrown into the recycle bin when they discolor or become overused.

Of the four cutting board types we’ve mentioned, we obviously recommend plastic cutting boards (followed secondarily by stone cutting boards).

Get this plastic cutting board for freeToday’s giveaway is for a cutting board from Progressive International.

Check this out! This 11-1/4-inch by 17-1/4-inch cutting board has a drip tray around the outside and really works well for cutting pretty much anything.

To be entered to win this cutting board, all you have to do is follow the instructions below.

Step 1:
Like this giveaway on Facebook, +1 it on Google, or Tweet it on Twitter.

Step 2:
Visit Progressive International’s Facebook page, and see what they have on offer. Then come back and in your comment, say what kind of food you most enjoy chopping, cutting, or eating.

Make sure to include a good email address in your comment so we can contact you when you win!

20 thoughts on “Giveaway Friday: Impaling Instruments Necessitate Inhibitors (Cutting Boards)

    1. strive4impact Post author

      Thanks for Tweeting it Cat! Unfortunately you didn’t win this one.

      But we’ve got another food-related giveaway this Friday, February 3rd, so be sure to come back and take a look at the main page of the site!

    1. strive4impact Post author

      Hey Elisabeth! Thanks for giving us a +1 on Google.

      Sorry to say that you didn’t win this one.

      However, we’ve got another food-related giveaway this Friday, February 3rd. Come back and take a look and enter again to win!

  1. Bonnie Way

    I have a large cutting board (such as the one pictured here) with grooves around the edges that I love using for chopping most things… meat, onions (you need a big board so the onion doesn’t scatter all over the counter), any other veggies. I have a wood cutting board that I hardly use because I can’t put it in the dishwasher; I slice bread on it, sometimes vegetables, but little else.

    1. strive4impact Post author

      Hey Bonnie!

      Thanks for commenting and participating in this giveaway.

      You didn’t win this one, but we’ve got another food-related giveaway on Friday, February 3rd.

      Take a look on Friday and enter again to win!

  2. Katherine Bendl

    I posted your link on my facebook page! The mini keepers are awesome looking, perfect for my spices! My favorite would be to chop up veggies for a stir-fry!

    1. strive4impact Post author

      Hey Katie!

      Thanks for linking to us from FB!

      Someone else won this one, but another food-related giveaway is coming on Friday, February 3rd and I think you’ll like it.

      Take a look on Friday (3rd. February) and enter again to win!

  3. Thorn

    Mmmmmm, grilled onions….

    I’d use it at work, cooking all you can eat barbecues for whitewater rafters on the side of the river all summer! If you’re ever in Portland, find BlueSkyRafting!

    1. strive4impact Post author

      Hey Adam!

      Grilled onions ARE delicious! Thanks for reading and commenting on this, and we will definitely look up BlueSky when in Portland!

      We’ve got a food-related giveaway this Friday, February 3rd from a company in the pacific northwest (not Starbuck’s), and I think you’ll like it.

      Take a look on Friday (3rd. February) and enter again to win!

  4. Todd Howard

    Renee and I chop lots of onions. I also use a cutting board to cut my famous marinated chicken into smaller pieces before grilling.

    1. strive4impact Post author

      Hey Todd!

      YOU WIN!!!


      According to, you win this giveaway!

      By next week, you will be chopping away on your very own, very new, Progressive International cutting board! Thanks for participating and remember that we have a Giveaway Friday every week in 2012!


  5. Cathy

    I really don’t like chopping anything. But I do like eating chopped food, particularly veggies like green, red, and orange peppers, onions (grilled) and squash.
    I liked this on facebook and also joined progressive international’s page.

    1. strive4impact Post author

      Hey Cathy!

      Thanks for participating to win a Progressive International cutting board!

      Unfortunately you didn’t win this one. However, do remember that we have a Giveaway Friday every week in 2012!

      This Friday (3. February) we have another food-related giveaway coming… Be sure to visit the main page of our site on that day to enter to win!

  6. Lisa

    I prefer small cutting boards for chopping veggies, but could us a big one like this Progressive Int. to cut up meet. I have a big, plastic one, but for whatever reason, it is worped and bulges in the center. This means everything runs to the edges and over the drip-line sometimes! It also takes up more space when storing it. Thanks strive4impact running this fun give-away!

    1. strive4impact Post author


      Thanks for joining in this week’s giveaway to win Progressive International’s cutting board.

      Someone else won this week. However, do remember that we have a Giveaway Friday every week in 2012!

      This Friday (3. February) we have another food-related giveaway that has to do something with a chopstick… Be sure to visit the main page of our site on Friday and enter to win!

  7. gabriel

    it is quite a handy cutting board and being that is plastic no bacteria will stay but be sure to wash it real well, regards to our friends carrie and jonathan, gabriel

    1. strive4impact Post author

      Hey Gabriel,


      Thanks for joining in this week’s giveaway to win Progressive International’s cutting board.

      Someone else won this week. However, we do have a Giveaway Friday every week in 2012!

      This Friday (3. February) we have another food-related giveaway that has to do with chopsticks… Come back to this Friday to enter to win!

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