Travel the world

Easter Eggs Climb Kilimanjaro

This post is a bit late, but here we go.
Easter’s kind of a big deal with my family.
(Actually, most holidays are kind of a big deal with my family. It’s a nice tradition!)
Carrie got introduced to our Easter traditions four years ago, which include some serious egg decorating! We don’t just decorate. We pull out the old Crayolas (always a challenge to find), and we test our art skills on chicken Ovums!
(Is it Ovums or ovum? What’s the plural version?)
Anyway, just as an example, last year, for the first time ever, Carrie introduced Sharpie Markers into the arsenal of egg decorating tools. She was able to create the members of Kiss (the band) and R2D2, all on eggs! This year, Carrie decided she would give an egg to every person, and give everyone their own bodies!

Kilimanjaro and the egg familySo, she made bodies for everyone (except herself).

My older brother and sister-in-law are with their dogs and are under construction on their new home, my younger brother is in his computer and his girlfriend there, my younger sister, my parents (in their dress clothes (they sing with the Colorado Symphony Chorus), and me in my pajamas (since I work from home, the standing comment is that I get to work in my pajamas… which I am blessed to often do.)

Jonathan in pajamas and Carrie on KilimanjaroI made a body (and a stand) for Carrie. You’ll notice her stand is Mount Kilimanjaro, and her body is the logos of our sponsors. I’m no egg afficianado, but that looks pretty darn good!
Happy Easter! (Even though it was quite a while ago.)

One thought on “Easter Eggs Climb Kilimanjaro

  1. Shannon

    Yay Carrie! I’ve heard much about these fabled Easter eggs. And I think the plural of ovum is ova. I know this because I am a big fat nerd. Just ask Carrie 🙂

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