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Barcelona’s Gothic Quarter

 Gothic Quarter of Barcelona, Spain
Why is it gothic? Did I see a bunch of people dressed all in black, and with exaggeratedly pale skin? No. No more than usual.

But, we did run across this…

Gothic Quarter of Barcelona, Spain

It’s called the Gothic Quarter because most of the architecture in that area is in the gothic style.

We took a long stroll through the streets, and came across the theatre – Palau de la musica Catalana.

Gothic Quarter of Barcelona, Spain

We couldn’t go in, well, not without paying a hefty entrance fee (this is becoming a habit Barcelona. One you might want to rethink.).

But, the building, like so many others, looked stunning.

From there we walked to the Barcelona Cathedral.
Gothic Quarter of Barcelona, Spain

Guess what. Entrance was F. R. E. E. Yeah, that’s right. Finally.

We got there in time to hear a high school choir rehearse. It was magical. The singing was quite good, and it gave me a chance to appreciate the cathedral more. It’s quite beautiful.
Gothic Quarter of Barcelona, Spain

While there, we saw that tickets to go up on the roof were only EUR 2.50 each. So, up we went.

What an incredible view!
Gothic Quarter of Barcelona, Spain

Just around the back of the church is the bridge connecting two buildings. This bridge has a name, but I can’t remember what it is. I’ll fill in the blank later. _______________________
Gothic Quarter of Barcelona, Spain

Our walk ended with a nice dinner of Spanish tapas and sangria. What a way to end a night.

4 thoughts on “Barcelona’s Gothic Quarter

  1. Marty

    You look so cute. You’ve both lost a lot of weight & look nice & fit.
    All that walking is worthwhile!! Nice pictures.

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