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Win A Flip-Pal Mobile Scanner: My Uncle’s Invention!

Normally we don’t do much promotion on  We save that for our other sites.

But this promotion is personal, because it’s my uncle’s invention that is being given away.

Flip-PalIntroducing: Flip-Pal!

This is a really nifty device that lets you scan photos (or anything) by simply holding the flip-pal onto the surface you want to have scanned.

If you want to win your own Flip-Pal, it’s simple.  Just go to the flip-pal website and post a comment about what will do with your Flip-Pal as soon as you win it.  Just posting a comment enters you into the drawing!

Congratulations to my Uncle Gordy for pushing through on his vision and turning this invention into reality!

2 thoughts on “Win A Flip-Pal Mobile Scanner: My Uncle’s Invention!

  1. Mom

    Gordy has really worked hard and we are all very proud of him and pleased for him too!! Not only that, but Flip-Pal is a really great product — thanks for writing about it because lots of people need to look at this — it’s neat!!

  2. Tammy Schultz

    OMG I have seen this on the shopping channel, what wont I do with it. We are trying to gather all the old family photos. We have a family tree going and would like to have a picture with everyones name. Makes it alot more fun and interesting. I love art, would be great tool to scan images to turn into cross stitch patterns I can make. I would so love to have one of these, it would surely make my year. Now that we are into the digital world, old photos are getting tucked away, fading away and lost. This way after hitting the hole family, can make cd, send everyone a copy.Thanks

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