Some of you know that I really love new and innovative technologies.
I watched this video tonight about a technology called Sixth Sense from a conference called TED (A conference which I would love to attend sometime).
From this video, I hope you will enjoy learning about how technology is making relevant and important information instant and useful in our daily lives.
There are very powerful applications for this technology today and into the future.
What size of solar cells should I be looking to buy?
The solar cells must be matched to the rest of the system, (the batteries and anticipated load). Amorphous (powder technology) cells are the cheapest type, but their output slowly degrades over periods of years. After say 5 years use the power output might be down by say 20 percent. They are not damaged should part of the cell array become shadowed (by say a tree or something). Expensive Crystal-based cells can be damaged by overheating if part of the array becomes shadowed while the remainder is in full sunlight. Regulators of some sort are usually needed to insure that any electricity does not flow backward from the batteries to the solar array at night. Note that unsophisticated regulators (simple diodes) will reduce electrical output from the cells during the day. High output solar arrays demand sophisticated, expensive regulators. The sensitivity of some batteries to damage from overcharging or severe deep discharges means that for longest life the batteries must be well-matched to the solar panel system. Also orientation of the solar array toward the sun is a compromise and should consider whether you would rather have maximum output in the summer or the winter.
Hey Guys!
I don’t know how this conversation ended up on this post, but James, thanks for taking the time to respond to it!
Hello Carrie and Jonathan,
I have Sixth Sense. That’s one of the best movies of all time!
Hope things are going well for you both.
Hey Michael!
The movie was great! But this is about a completely new technology that they’re calling sixth sense. What did you think of the video?
Haha! I dont know if I like it or not. I suppose I would rather put my “projected” images/info on the insides of some sunglasses Im wearing so everybody couldnt tell what the hell Im up to
I think that’s a good plan as well. Seriously though, how do you think we’ll access this kind of technology in the future? Through glasses or through implants in our eyeballs or what?
I think I did see this technology presented a year or two ago. She was still using the “most ecologically responsible toilet paper”example then too.
I’m sure there will be a lot of kinks to work out along the way. Her demo really covers a lot of ideas and software that are easily possible today that can be used more efficiently w/o “natural” hand gestures and finger markers. Personally, I’d rather just glance at a watch or dial my phone (especially since I can still see it when it’s bright outside). I like the idea of the suggested info being fetched and ready at your fingertips, but maybe the delivery should be through a transparent/flexible OLED screen or something, not a projector. That would be relatively easy to put in a pair of sunglasses in just a few years if not months.
Flexible OLED:
Transparent OLED:
As an oldie, who by the way, climbed partly up & flew over the top of the Himalayas when I was 62, I am amazed at the technology in that video!
That’s all I can say.
Like the idea of the sunnies screen to stop people seeing what you think!
Did you see the virtual stuff they have out now?
It’s a pen about the size of a fat biro pen & you stand it up & it becomes your computer. Then for a keyboard, it projects a virtual keyboard onto the surface of wherever it is & you type away & check your stuff on a virtual screen in mid air.
Probably like a halogram?
I only saw a video of it last year. Made in Japan…
I don’t think we’ve seen anything yet. There are machines being invented for storing dreams and robots that build themselves, and equipment that can build a 3 bedroom 2 bathroom, 2 story house in 1 day. The tech world is just getting started! It’s exciting to see!
Thanks guys…
It’s a bit too much to comprehend, especially when I came from the era of the T Model Ford and candles!
I still can’t stop thinking about that 6th sense video tho…amazing.
Regarding your Friday Feature program…
I don’t know that I have my products developed enough yet.
I only have one book up on Amazon so far & am just getting started.
Here’s the link if you want to check it out. It’s for review & I’d love some feedback re how you could promote it for me please.
The price is super cheap, so I can get reviews.
It’s a Kindle book, you can download free kindle for your PC from Amazon on the RHSide of the page.
Best of luck with everything & happy travels.
Where will you be in Feb & March of next year?
Let me know…we could maybe meet up.
Hey Poppie!
I’ll ask Carrie check out the book on her Kindle!
Weight loss and fitness is a huge niche, so I think the important thing is to find a tiny niche inside of it so that you can really make an impact with the marketing you’re doing.
Here is one thought I have for us promoting your book:
Computer belly.
“Belly fat caused by sitting at the computer for too long” is a great little niche – inspired by a post I read on your site.
Computer Belly is something LOTS of people can relate to. Heck, I’m going to be sitting at my computer to make and edit at least 52 videos in the next year. 52 videos * 5 hours each (at least) = 260 hours or 24 12 hour days sitting in front of a computer.
That’s nearly 30 DAYS I’ll be sitting at the computer just to do the videos.
That’s CRAZY!
While a little goofy and ridiculous, I wouldn’t mind using my belly (not that big, but I can make it look big and add in a little self-deprecating humor to get the point across) to show that your book is the solution for computer belly.
Computer belly is a monster, currently gobbling away the years of your life. And you need to get rid of him. How? Through what you will learn in Poppie’s book.
When we upload the video and talk about you in our blog post, we’ll use the most important words, so that we rank well for people who are looking for help with computer belly fat.
I’ve done some initial keyword research and discovered that “computer belly” isn’t searched at all, while the following keywords are more valuable for ranking.
1 fat guy computer
2 fat kid on computer
3 big fat computer book (probably not relevant)
4 fat man at computer
5 fat guy on computer
6 fat old man on computer
7 computer fat guy
8 fat computer guy
9 fat guy at computer
10 fat guy on the computer
11 fat loser sitting at computer all day
12 fat man on computer
13 old fat man on the computer
14 women who sit on the computer all day are fat (this might be an even better tightened niche… women with computer belly).
Those are just some very initial thoughts, but I hope you could see how we could develop a really strong marketing message for your Feature Friday.
As far as where we will be and meeting up… we would love to meet up with you! In February/March, we will be in Bali, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and maybe Cambodia/Vietnam, though it’s looking like those countries will wait until April.
Where would you like to meet up?