I love the beauty of India. It’s incredible. Every woman, no matter her caste, occupation, or situation in life takes pride in her appearance. It doesn’t matter how humble that appearance is, she’s proud of how she looks.
In speaking with one young woman, she asked me what American women wore to signify that they were married. I told her we wore wedding rings, and showed her mine.
“That’s it?”, she asked.
“Yes. Why? What do you wear?”
“In India, we wear bangles, and bhindis, and toe rings, and silver ankle bracelets with bells. How do people know you’re married if you don’t wear these things?”
At first I was a little taken aback. But, then when I thought about it, it helped explain why people kept thinking that Jonathan was my brother.
The very next day, when visiting with our friend Krishna, and his parents, his mother disappeared for a few minutes. When she came back, she presented me with gifts.
She placed a bhindi on my forehead, and gave me 6 red glass bangles, so that everyone would know I was married.
A bhindi is the famous “dot” on the forehead. It symbolizes your third eye. Everyone needs an extra eye to see the things they may not see otherwise. And, more often than not, the things the bhindi sees are the most important of all. Like a husband for example.